As of March 2023, 11 medical exoskeletons have been approved by the U.S. FDA for walking, gait assistance and physical rehabilitation. The FDA classifies medical powered exoskeletons as Class II devices, code PHL, with the exact definition as follows: "A powered exoskeleton is a prescription device that consists of an external powered, motorized orthosis placed over the paralyzed or debilitated abdomen of a person's extremity(s) for medical purposes."

The 11 medical exoskeletons are in no particular order:

As of March 2023, only the ReWalk exoskeleton is FDA approved for use with stairs and curbs. Only ReWalk Personal and Indego are approved for private or home use. All devices can be used in a rehabilitation center setting. The Atalante is the only self-balancing exoskeleton approved by the FDA (although the REX may soon be added to the list). The rest of the devices have either optional or required additional mobility aids such as crutches or a walker. There are several devices, such as the Atalante, that may be used by adolescents (but there are no pediatric exoskeletons on this list). All operators must complete a training program before using the exoskeletons.

Some of the FDA-approved powered exoskeletons have special fall protection and mitigation considerations, specifically:

The intended Ese case for FDA-approved powered exoskeletons is to help patients/users walk with:

Diagram of FDA approved use of medical exoskeletons in 2023.

Reported size and weight restrictions for users:

Device:Height range of the userUser weight range
GEMS-H1.55m to 1.91m45 till 100 kg
Atalanta1.60 to 1.90 cmup to 90 kg
Phoenix1.60m to 1.87mtill 91 kg
ReWalk1.60m to 1.90mup to 100 kg
ReWalk recovery1.42m to 1.92mup to 120 kg
I need1.50m to 1.90mup to 113 kg
Honda walker1.4m to 2.0mup to 100 kg
ExoAthlete-II1.60m to 1.90mup to 100 kg
ExoNR1.58m to 1.88mup to 100 kg
HAL for medical purposes1.50m to 1.90m40 to 100 kilo
Keego's dermoskeleton system1.52m to 1.88mup to 130 kg

If you see any errors or would like an article on a specific topic, please do not hesitate to contact us via the ExR contact form . Featured image (above): Demonstration of the Ekso GT by Shane Mosko and physical therapist Jenn Macievich at Ekso Bionics headquarters, Richmond, 2016 (background removed).


Originating source: proposed use of the 11 FDA-approved medical exoskeletons in the 2023 Medical Exoskeleton Report.