Exobuddy: Exoskeleton for the military by Intespring

The Exobuddy is a semi-passive exoskeleton that carries military personnel backpacks. It is one of the smallest and lightest exoskeletons in the world that carries high payloads (up to 60 kg).

Areas of application

  • Military
  • Police
  • German Armed Forces
  • Army

Functions and advantages

Everything you need to know about the features and benefits of the Exoskeleton Exobuddy: Exoskeleton for the military by Intespring need to know.


The use of lighter and stronger materials, combined with advances in equipment design, has enabled new generations of lightweight equipment to be developed. This includes helmets, body armor and backpacks. Some of this equipment is now made from advanced composite materials that are as strong as conventional materials, but much lighter. New designs distribute weight more evenly across the head and neck - reducing pressure on these areas.

The current lightweight equipment is already having a positive impact on soldiers' health and performance. Nevertheless, there is still room for improvement. In particular, further research is needed on how to reduce the weight of individual pieces of equipment - without compromising their strength and functionality. This will allow soldiers to carry a heavier load without compromising their health or safety.

  • Soldiers can drag longer
  • Soldiers are not so tired
  • Soldiers reach the target faster

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Company information

Facts & Figures

Exobuddy was already mentioned by the Minister of Defense Ank Bijleveld in the program Omroep WNL on Sunday.

Company address

  • InteSpring B.V
  • Patrijsweg 24
  • 2289 EX Rijwijk
  • Netherlands

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