The OmniSuit is a combined back and shoulder exoskeleton that supports the full vertical range of motion from the floor to the highest shelf. Its design features many characteristic Auxivo elements, such as the hybrid frame and the proven EES energy recovery system. The result is a highly versatile multitasking exoskeleton that is easy to use, compact and lightweight (2.7 kg).
It is an integrated shoulder and back assist device designed to assist workers with overhead, lifting and forward lean tasks. The OmniSuit weighs 6 pounds (2.7 kg). Thanks to its flexibility, the OmniSuit quickly adapts to the varying needs of its wearer. This makes it uniquely suited for many applications in logistics, construction or manufacturing. Design features include a hybrid exoskeleton frame that seamlessly combines rigid and soft components to create a highly ergonomic system, the proven split vest that allows unrestricted spinal movement while maximizing breathability, and dynamic misalignment compensation to maximize freedom of movement.
To provide a good level of support, the integrated Elastic Energy Storage (EES) system uses gravity compensation and energy recovery for the back and shoulders, resulting in a highly energy-efficient passive exoskeleton.