Exoskeletons can be used just like shoes and sleeping bags for everyday use, but also for military purposes. Orthexo would like to become the first point of contact on the subject of exoskeletons, nevertheless not to be associated with military applications. If we want to inform about exoskeletons, then military exoskeletons are also part of it, because the state and funds from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have been the biggest investors so far, when no venture capital fund believed in it. Therefore, we would like to provide the topic at least as information, but clearly point out that we distance ourselves from military applications and also refuse mediations for it. Furthermore, we have decided to remove Russian manufacturers of exoskeletons from the platform.
Guide to exoskeletons for rescue workers:
In this guide you will find an overview of all military exoskeletons, as well as exoskeletons military alternatives. Already since the development of medical exoskeletons, the potential for a military exoskeleton was recognized. Currently, the following categories are distinguished: exoskeletons military, exoskeletons army, exoskeletons German army, exoskeletons police and exoskeletons fire department. Exoskeletons have been researched in the military for a long time, because they can increase the performance of soldiers as well as significantly reduce fatigue. However, exoskeletons are not only used in the military, but also in the police, firefighters, customs and air force, for example, when loading fighter jets with heavy ammunition. Imagine that soldiers can cover 1/5 more distance per day in ground terrain with an exoskeleton than without. Soldiers do not need to be replaced as quickly when carrying heavy loads, thus reducing the replacement rate and causally reducing mission efficiency.
Our recommendations:
The Exobuddy is more of a multipurpose solution and functions for both climbing and marching. It is powered and the focus is on knee protection. The Forge contains an AI, which recognizes and controls the movement. One is fully capable of movement. The focus here is on resilience. The Amplivy was designed more for carrying heavy goods and serves to relieve the weight of the backpack. The Guardian XO is really suitable for combat and logistics. It is a kind of full-body robot. The Thorax is more suitable for auxiliaries, because the solution is made of carbon and is therefore extremely light. But at the same time a bulletproof material for the back area was integrated.
A military exoskeleton is similar to industrial exoskeletons, only modified for pointy use. Military exoskeletons not only have to be more robust, they also have to be extremely lightweight. Therefore, the exoskeleton in the military is usually made of titanium. This enables the typical exoskeleton soldier to walk farther while tiring less. The exoskeleton for soldiers is therefore indispensable in the military field. It is not used as a military combat suit, but as an aid for carrying heavy goods over longer distances and as a mobile charging source for batteries. A soldier with an exoskeleton can cover 1/5 more distance per day than a soldier without an exoskeleton and can lift the same load two hours longer than a colleague without an exoskeleton.
In the USA, exoskeletons have long been researched in the Army and Navy. In France, the Ethics Council did not give its approval until 2020. Most exoskeletons in the German armed forces are hardly different. They are light, robust, mostly made of titanium, passive, carry up to 60 kg and can generate electricity.
Advantages of military exoskeletons in the field:
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Exoskeleton Application to Military Manual Handling Tasks: