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Exoped exoskeleton for everyday life from Pedasys for the lower gaiters

The exoskeleton enables patients with lower limb disabilities to walk. With the help of four electric motors, Exoped helps users with lower limb disabilities to stand, sit and walk.

Functions and advantages

Everything you need to know about the features and benefits of the Exoped exoskeleton for everyday life from Pedasys for the lower gaiters need to know.

What is the exoped and what are its applications?

Exoped is an active exoskeleton (intelligent orthoses). The exoskeleton enables patients with lower limb disabilities to walk. With the help of four electric motors, Exoped helps users with lower limb disabilities to stand, sit and walk. Exoped Robotic Exoskeleton is a walking assistance system that restores the ability to walk to paraplegic patients and people with lower limb disabilities. This robot can help users sit, stand and walk and can be considered as an alternative and replacement for wheelchairs.

How does it work?

Exoped is a lower limb exoskeleton that can support the patient's weight and transfer it directly to the ground. The user can wear this robot over their normal clothing. Exoped uses four powerful electric motors placed in four hip and knee joints. These motors can move the patient's legs with different patterns and speeds, allowing the patient to walk without significant energy consumption.

  • Weight: 29 kg
  • Active joints
  • Passive joints
  • Rechargeable Li-Ion battery + backup battery and charger
  • Maximum patient weight: 85 kg
  • Minimum height of the patient: 155 cm
  • Maximum patient height: 185 cm
  • Max. Walking speed: 0.3 m/s
  • Gaits: Training, Pro, Warm Up
  • Gait mode for early steps: Including
  • Adjustable gear parameters: Length, height, speed
  • Logging system for process parameters: Included
  • Passed standards: IEC60601-1, IEC60601-1-2
  • Length of the parallel path: 6 m
  • Equipped with online platform
  • Equipped with posture sensors

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

How does Exoped improve health status?

More than anything, walking will boost the confidence and hope of patients with lower extremity disabilities. In addition, walking improves their independence. Benefits also include improved blood circulation, blood pressure balance, improved breathing, prevention of digestive tract and liver problems, prevention of pressure ulcers and recurrent pain, and prevention of muscle weakness. Exoped can be used for rehabilitation of patients with gait disorders.

What advantages does Exoped have over walkers or other walking aids?

Paraplegics cannot walk with walkers, but orthoses allow them to walk. However, walking with orthoses puts too much pressure on the shoulders and arms. As a result, some patients may not be able to use orthoses. With exoped, the pressure on the hands is much less, so walking is possible for a wider range of users. In addition, orthoses should be worn in the standing position, which is a difficult task. Exoped can be worn while sitting. After that, the exoskeleton helps the user stand up.

How does Exoped affect the independence of the user?

The personal version of Exoped aims to increase user independence. With the personal version, walking on level ground is possible without assistance. The medical version of Exoped aims to reduce secondary diseases due to paralysis.

What terrain is suitable for Exoped?

Medical Exoped is specially designed for medical centers. However, the personal version is designed for flat terrain and everyday use.

Can the medical version of Exoped be installed at home?

The medical version of Exoped is specifically designed for clinical use and must be operated under the supervision of a medical specialist. The medical version of Exoped logs movement data and analyzes it to record the patient's progress. As a result, the device is expensive for home use. However, there are some conditions to be met for home use: Presence of sufficient space for installation of the device. Specialist verification for authorization to use. Presence of two observers during the use of the device to ensure safety.

Do you have any questions?

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For whom is the Exoped exoskeleton for everyday life from Pedasys for the lower gaiters suitable and for whom not?

Exoped is for people with lower limb disabilities and paralysis. The user must have normal functionality of hands and shoulders to hold crutches to maintain balance during the session. Please note that the use of the hands is only to provide balance and the exoskeleton supports the user's weight. The user must not have lower limb deformities, osteoporosis (unhealthy bone density), severe spasticity or atrophy. Please consult your rehabilitation counselor or physical therapist before using the device. The patient's height must be between 155 and 190 cm. The user's weight must not exceed 90 kg. Patients with lower extremity disabilities (cross-section), muscle weakness or gait disorders can use Exoped. The patient must have enough ability and strength to use his hands to control his body. The clinical version of Exoped can be used in neuroscience, rehabilitation and physical therapy laboratories. In addition, research centers can benefit from this product.

Company information

Facts & Figures

Pedasys is a company that designs and manufactures power-assisted robots and rehabilitation systems. Pedasys Company serves paraplegic patients, the elderly, people with lower limb disabilities, athletes and those who perform extensive cyclic work by designing and manufacturing robotic systems for rehabilitation and motor support. "EXOPED" is the first and only rehabilitation powered exoskeleton in the Middle East developed and manufactured by Pedasys. By 2021, 5 rehabilitation centers in Tehran are equipped with EXOPED and with the ability to be used with a special rollator, which is the latest upgrade, its market is spreading nationwide. EXOPED has the approval of the Iranian Ministry of Health, a patent certificate and has also received the 1st place of KANZ2018 in the competition with 1045 companies from Islamic nations. Pedasys R&D team is developing the personal version of EXOPED and it is hoped that patients will find the opportunity to use it soon.

Company address

  • Pedasys Company
  • Enghelab St
  • Khark St. No. 11
  • Tehran, Iran

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