How a paralyzed man can walk again with robotic help

With the exoskeleton, people with neurological diseases can leave the wheelchair for some time per day. This is particularly important for the body and psyche.
Lagermax Logistics tests exoskeleton at Salzburg site

The exoskeletons are intended to support employees in their physical work and thus provide relief in everyday work.
Cham: Exoskeleton relieves nursing staff

Many caregivers complain of back pain, even herniated discs. The Sankt Michael retirement home wants to relieve its employees of at least that - with a so-called exoskeleton.
Health care startup tech2people now owns third exoskeleton

Vienna-based health startup tech2people is an Austria-wide therapy center that offers robotics-assisted physiotherapy on an outpatient basis.
Shoulder exoskeleton S700: How fast is it to put on?

Exoskeletons are support systems for human movement processes that redirect acting force from weaker to stronger body regions.
Scientists build a futuristic exoskeleton that lets people run faster

Researchers have developed a new exoskeleton "boot" that can help people walk faster.
"Exoskeletons are a worthwhile investment for craftsmen"

Hunic's exoskeletons are designed to make it easier to work with heavy loads, but also to guide their wearers to a back-friendly posture.
Exoskeletons simply explained: Physical support at work and in everyday life

At the RehaCare trade fair in September 2022, the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA presented so-called exoskeletons, which have so far been used primarily in industrial applications.
Warehouse: Dachser recruits exoskeletons as support staff

Dachser has tested active exoskeletons from German Bionic in the daily work routine of a warehouse. Now the use at further locations is planned.
Super Soldiers Race

The military in the USA, China or even Germany uses motorized external skeletons in logistics. Russia is said to have already tested them during the war.
Brain interface helps paralyzed man move robotic arms

Researchers:inside Johns Hopkins University have achieved a breakthrough in a robotic prosthetic arm.
Military exoskeletons and the fight against bureaucracy

Many North American exoskeleton developers owe their beginnings to U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) investments.
Tighten muscles

Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a wearable textile exomuscle that serves as an additional layer of muscle.