SHK craft company lets its employees test four exoskeletons

To protect the backs of her fitters, the entrepreneur from Mönchengladbach participated in a test of exoskeletons.
Exoskeleton - New attitude to life thanks to walking robot

What many take for granted is a small liberation for Anne Vosgerau: running.
This muscle can be dressed: Researchers develop exo-arm

Scientists have now developed an exoskeleton that can restore strength and endurance to the affected muscles in the arm.
More support for caregivers - how exoskeleton technology is helping to achieve this

A pilot project developed by and with nursing staff will start at Traunstein Hospital this year.
Assistance systems with hand and foot

An exoskeleton in simple design seems like a smart investment to keep employees fit for heavy or tiring tasks in the long term.
Daya, a Japanese "robot" suit that fights back pain at work

With overall aging on the rise, companies are looking for ways to help seniors stay in the workforce longer.
Mubea takes over construction of smart German-Bionic exoskeletons

At the beginning of the year, German Bionic already presented the fifth generation of the robotic exoskeleton Cray X, at CES in Las Vegas.
Exoskeleton gives paraplegic new life

Das „ntv Startup Magazin“ stellt diesmal „Rewalk Robotics“ vor, die mit einem bionischen Gehilfesystem gehbehinderten Menschen das Laufen ermöglichen.
"Exoskeletons protect the wearer from peak loads".

„Bei einem Exoskelett handelt es sich um eine mechanische Stützstruktur, die die Kraft von besonders stark belasteten Körperregionen ableitet und so menschliche Bewegungen je nach Gestalt des Exoskelettes ermöglicht, verstärkt, erleichtert oder stabilisiert.“
Exoskeletons & genetic engineering for soldiers of the future

Militaries around the world have a vision for the soldier of the future: where humans reach their limits, modern technologies such as exoskeletons and genetic engineering will give them superhuman strength.
The future is now: try exoskeletons for yourself

Exoskeletons are nothing new in nature: arthropods, mollusks, and bryozoans are characterized by exoskeletons.

They look futuristic, like in an action movie: Exoskeletons are lifting aids worn on the body that support the musculoskeletal system when moving loads.
Future of work: exoskeletons
Ziel der Veranstaltung ist, Entwickler und Anwender „menschenzentrierter Unterstützungssysteme“ zusammenzubringen, um so gemeinsam praxistaugliche und anforderungsgerechte Systeme für verschiedene Branchen und Arbeitssituationen voranzubringen.