Many North American exoskeleton developers owe their beginnings to U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) investments. Yet, no military exoskeletons or wearable robots are deployed for any application. Part of this lack of technology adoption stems from the difficulties of navigating the U.S. Navy and Army bureaucracy. Hope Hodge Seck has published an excellent article on Politico titled: “The decade-long quest to deliver a modern-day target practice highlights the broken world of military acquisition.” (link).

While not about exoskeletons, the Politico article vividly describes how approved, and validated technology is still not implemented by the Army today. The main points that ring true for exoskeletons are:

The Politico article is a fantastic read and highly recommended for those wondering what military exoskeletons are going through. Furthermore, it illustrates two key learnings:

Quelle: Military Exoskeletons and the Fight With Bureaucracy Military Exoskeleton Report (18.10.2022)