Vanderbilt, 101st Airborne collaborate on development of exoskeleton for soldier use in inaugural Pathfinder Project

The exoskeleton—the Soldier Assistive Bionic Exosuit for Resupply, or SABER—is being prepared for manufacturing and commercialization by HeroWear and for field use by the Army.
SABER Brings Mass Adoption Of Military Exoskeletons One Step Closer To Reality

As a result of the successful field testing, DEVCOM will provide funding to HeroWear, a Nashville-based industrial exoskeleton company, and Vanderbilt University to revise the design and deliver dozens of pre-production units to the Army by the end of 2022 in preparation for mass production and additional field testing.
Army, academia collaborate on exoskeleton to reduce Soldier injuries

The unpowered exosuit design, called SABER, addresses needs identified by the Soldiers, such as aiding strenuous lifting tasks like ammunition resupply and reducing injury and fatigue, critical to readiness over sustained periods.
Move over, Iron Man: The Army has a new suit to solve soldier back pain

The suit is lightweight and looks nothing like the clunky, robotic exoskeleton suits the military has wanted in the past.
Exoskelette & Gentechnik für Soldaten der Zukunft

Militärs auf der ganzen Welt haben eine Vision für den Soldaten der Zukunft: Wo der Mensch an seine Grenzen stößt, sollen ihm moderne Technologien wie Exoskelette und Gentechnik übermenschliche Kräfte verleihen.
Wettlauf der Supersoldaten

Das Militär in den USA, China oder auch Deutschland nutzt motorisierte Außenskelette in der Logistik. Russland soll sie schon im Krieg erprobt haben.
Militärische Exoskelette und der Kampf gegen die Bürokratie

Viele nordamerikanische Entwickler von Exoskeletten verdanken ihre Anfänge den Investitionen des US-Verteidigungsministeriums (DoD).