Exoskeletons are used in industry, logistics and care. As demand is clearly growing, German Bionic is expanding its production capacities and is receiving additional financing of 15 million euros as part of a Series A extension. What is special about the wearables is that they are AI-based.

The company German Bionic develops and sells electrically powered back exoskeletons. The products, including the Apogee and the Apogee+, which is specially designed for care, are the first robotic wearables to be based on AI. This means that the e-exoskeletons not only improve lifting movements and support walking through self-learning, but also prevent incorrect posture. An integrated ergonomic early warning system provides real-time data from everyday working life to protect employees' health, reduce the risk of accidents and optimize work processes.

The German company is therefore likely to meet with great demand. In cooperation with its industrialization partner Mubea, a German automotive supplier, German Bionic launched a Series A financing round with leading investors such as Mubea, Benhamou Global Ventures, Bayern Kapital and others. Thomas Muhr, Managing Partner of Mubea, emphasizes the strategic importance of this partnership: "Our investment in the technology leader for intelligent e-suits supports the scaling of a revolutionary technology. This not only contributes to increasing efficiency in industry, logistics and healthcare, but also promotes the health and safety of employees." Armin G. Schmidt, CEO of German Bionic, adds: "Occupational health and safety is increasingly becoming the focus of the working world. Our ageing societies can no longer afford to have people who are ill or retire early, because sustainability starts with young employees."

Source: German Bionic: 15 million for AI-based exoskeletons | FACTORY (factorynet.at)