MyoPro: Myoelectric arm and hand orthosis from Myomo

The Myopro orthosis is a motor-driven orthosis for hand and arm from the manufacturer Myomo. The mobile exoskeleton for the arm also supports patients who have not moved the arm or hand for years.

Your three tangible benefits:

  • Enables activities that can only be performed with both arms again, even with paralysis
  • Preservation & improvement of mobility
  • No implants are necessary

Functions and advantages

Everything you need to know about the features and benefits of the MyoPro: Myoelectric arm and hand orthosis from Myomo need to know.


The MyoPro Arm Prosthesis can detect weak muscle signals on the surface of the skin to activate the electric motors. This enables the patient to grasp, carry and hold again. A paralyzed or weakened musculature is supported or guided by the myoelectric orthosis system. The user is able to intuitively control the movements of the Myopro Motion via his or her body's own EMG signal.


What are the cost orthosis Myopro or the Myopro orthosis price?


A system starts at a five-digit sum. Please seek intensive advice on this.


Each MyoPro arm prosthesis is custom-made for each patient. A plaster cast of the arm is taken, which serves as the basis for the individual fabrication.


After you have successfully tested the mobile exoskeleton, you will participate in a training session with an occupational therapist to learn how to actually use it. In this way, you will be even more independent in the future. In order to support you in the best possible way, a training plan that is individually adapted to you will be developed and carried out together with you. Among other things, you will be trained how to put on and take off the orthosis, how to use it in your everyday life, and general motor coordination tasks.

No costs incurred have to be borne by the customer.


The MyoPro is a potential treatment option for people who have suffered a brachial plexus injury (BPI), which means damage to the nerves that transmit signals from the spinal cord to the hand, arm and shoulder. In stroke treatment, the main goal is to reduce brain damage and allow the best possible recovery for the patient. The MyoPro can also be considered as a rehabilitation tool for stroke patients.


The MyoPro Myoelectric Arm and Hand Exoskeleton from Myomo is a medical orthosis that can be used indoors or outdoors and focuses on the upper body region, specifically the arm and hand.


This innovative orthosis enables users to restore the gripping function of their arm and hand. Through myoelectric technology, the movement of the muscles is detected and converted into control signals for the exoskeleton.


The MyoPro exoskeleton is lightweight and weighs only 1.8 kg. It is water and dust resistant, which allows reliable use in various environments.


The MyoPro orthosis enables people with limited arm and hand function to grasp and hold objects again. This personal aid is suitable for own use and offers users improved autonomy and quality of life.


The exoskeleton has FDA approval and CE marking confirming its safety and effectiveness. Although an instruction manual is not available, the MyoPro exoskeleton offers orthexo proofed quality indicating trustworthiness and performance.


The battery of the MyoPro exoskeleton has a charging time of 2 hours and a durability of up to 24 hours, which allows for long-lasting use.


The MyoPro® is an innovative motorized, body-worn myoelectric orthotic system specifically designed to restore function to people's paralyzed or weakened upper extremities. This advanced orthosis provides support in cases of loss of function of the hand or arm and enables grasping, holding, opening, bending, lifting and stretching of the hand and arm, pursuing the goal of functional recovery.


The MyoPro® Orthotic System was developed in collaboration with the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard Medical School. It has been carefully optimized for wearing comfort and everyday usability. The MyoPro® orthosis detects the user's weak muscle signals by means of electrodes attached to the surface of the skin. These myoelectric impulses (EMG) are amplified by the system and activate the powerful motors of the orthosis. As a result, the MyoPro® supports the desired arm and hand movements of the user, who retains full control of their hand and arm at all times. The person can intuitively control the movements of the orthosis by using their own body signals.


The MyoPro® orthosis system works without implants and the application is non-invasive, without electrical stimulation. The orthopedic team adapts the orthosis individually to the needs and therapeutic goals of the user. The myoelectric orthosis system is suitable for adolescents from about 12 years of age and adults with various neuromuscular diseases, injuries or other indications such as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, brachial plexus injury, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury or muscle weakness.


As part of a personal consultation with the orthopedic technology team, there is the option of free sample use of the MyoPro®. Important parameters for the use of the orthosis are checked, such as body size. The MyoPro® orthosis from the American manufacturer Myomo is the world's first myoelectric orthosis that enables grasping, holding, lifting and carrying in the event of hand and elbow function failure thanks to the body's own control using myoelectric signals (EMG). The MyoPro® offers real added value in everyday life and helps sufferers to resume natural movements. The sooner this happens, the faster neurological connections in the central nervous system can be restored, allowing the arm to be used effectively with the orthosis.


Even if hope seemed to have already been abandoned, technical progress in this field has meant that sufferers can now regain hope. The MyoPro® can provide support in many different situations and promote movement of the affected side. The orthosis detects weak muscle signals on the surface of the skin (EMG), which are picked up by the built-in electrodes, and then sends signals to the motors of the orthosis. Based on the body's own signals, the patient can intuitively control the orthosis and actively influence his movements.

Instruction manual

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

Is the MyoPro orthosis covered by health insurance?

Yes! The costs are covered by German health insurance companies and accident insurance companies if they are suitable. For a final decision by the health insurance company, it is possible to carry out a longer trial of the MyoPro first. This trial is closely supervised. Trained therapists carry out special orthosis training with you, so that at the end of the trial, proof can be provided that you can use the orthosis and that it can bring you the hoped-for benefit of use.

What are the advantages of using it?

The MyoPro makes it possible to compensate for the impaired active movement of the arm. This allows the user to regain a high degree of independence. Grasping, holding, lifting, carrying and releasing objects in a targeted manner are activities that can only be performed with both arms and can therefore be implemented again.


Do you have any questions?

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For whom is the MyoPro Hand and Arm Orthosis suitable and for whom not?

The Myomo MyoPro Hand-Arm Orthosis is primarily suitable for the following indications and individuals:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Muscle weakness
  • Neuromuscular damage
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Prexus Brachialis
  • Paralysis or slight weakening due to a stroke
  • Infantile cerebral palsy
  • Cerebral Palsy

Group of people:

  • Teenagers (from approx. 12 years) and
  • Adults

Company information

Facts & Figures

Originally developed at MIT in collaboration with Harvard Medical School and founded in 2004. Myomo has raised a total of $23.2M in 7 rounds of funding. The latest funding was raised on January 12, 2023 in a post-IPO equity round. Myomo is registered under the ticker
NYSEMKT:MYO. The company's stock opened at 7.50 $ on June 13, 2017. Myomo is funded by 2 investors. Mountain Group Capital and Boston Harbor Angels are the most recent investors.

Company address

  • Myomo, Inc.
  • 137 Portland St
  • Boston US
  • Massachusetts 02114

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