Current clinical studies on the topic of exoskeleton

Current studies on the subject of exoskeleton
Technology is the 'future of air support

Technology is the 'future of air support
In Italy the first robot exoskeleton for children

In Italy the first robot exoskeleton for children
Exoskeleton Could Prevent Fatigue, Injury

Exoskeleton Could Prevent Fatigue, Injury
From startup to industry pioneer: success story of exoskeleton manufacturer HUNIC continues

With the help of a robotic titanium exoskeleton, an eight-year-old Mexican boy learns to walk after being confined to a wheelchair for most of his life.
Robotic exoskeleton lets eight-year-old walk

With the help of a robotic titanium exoskeleton, an eight-year-old Mexican boy learns to walk after being confined to a wheelchair for most of his life.
VOLVO Truck DOKU on WORLD with exoskeleton

The article is actually about building the VOLVO truck, but trained eyes immediately see the use of the SUITX exoskeleton in minute 30.

A titanium robotic exoskeleton is helping an eight-year-old boy in Mexico learn to walk after being wheelchair-bound for most of his life.
Exoskeletons can make physical work easier / This became clear at the Innovation Day of the WVIB association.

It's true that quite a lot has happened since the invention of the car in 1886. But compared to four billion years of evolution, that's barely more than the blink of an eye. Nature often has much better solutions.
US Air Force tests exoskeleton to give cargo-loading porters a boost

It's true that quite a lot has happened since the invention of the car in 1886. But compared to four billion years of evolution, that's barely more than the blink of an eye. Nature often has much better solutions.
Nature as a model: skeletons and fish shapes inspire carmakers

It's true that quite a lot has happened since the invention of the car in 1886. But compared to four billion years of evolution, that's barely more than the blink of an eye. Nature often has much better solutions.
F&L on Thursday: Old Town Festival Nuremberg, exoskeleton, self-experiment as newspaper delivery boy

We also learn about a paraplegic young man who can walk again with an exoskeleton.
Paraplegics can walk again - How exoskeletons change people's lives

Paraplegics can walk again - How exoskeletons change people's lives