In Italy the first robot exoskeleton for children

In Italy the first robot exoskeleton for children
Robotisches Exoskelett lässt Achtjährigen laufen

Mithilfe eines robotergestützten Exoskeletts aus Titan lernt ein achtjähriger Mexikaner das Laufen, nachdem er die meiste Zeit seines Lebens an den Rollstuhl gefesselt war.

A titanium robotic exoskeleton is helping an eight-year-old boy in Mexico learn to walk after being wheelchair-bound for most of his life.
Querschnittsgelähmte können wieder gehen – Wie Exoskelette das Leben von Menschen verändert

Querschnittsgelähmte können wieder gehen – Wie Exoskelette das Leben von Menschen verändert
Myomo’s products improve arm and hand function

Myomo’s products improve arm and hand function for those suffering from upper-limb weakness.
Wandercraft Introduces Atalante X to Assist in Mobility

Wandercraft also wants to help hospitals provide physical therapy and eventually help people to “get up, stand up, and walk again” not just in their homes but also outdoors.
Exoskeletons enhance body functions for a promising human-robotics shared future

The exoskeleton products displayed at the 2022 World Robot Conference that took place from August 18 to 21 in Beijing have made improved athletic ability a reality, especially for paralyzed patients.
Meta’s New Skeleton Simulator ‚MyoSuite‘ Could Help Develop Prosthetics

Meta’s AI team just announced a software to help model complex skeletal movement.
See what’s possible for multiple sclerosis patients in the Exopulse Mollii Suit

See what’s possible for multiple sclerosis patient David after 60 minutes in the Exopulse Mollii Suit. He can move more freely again!
Do exoskeletons reduce musculoskeletal injuries in the workplace?

But recent scientific studies and user/industry reports have taught us a lot.
Why Physical Therapists Should Use Exoskeletons For Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

The FDA designates medical exoskeletons as a class II (intermediate risk) medical device, and they are cleared for use with patients who have an SCI.
Ottobock Bionic Exoskeletons

Our back exoskeletons relieve the user’s spine and lower back by up to 60% when handling loads.
Exoskelett – Neues Lebensgefühl dank Gehroboter

Was für viele selbstverständlich ist, ist für Anne Vosgerau ein kleiner Befreiungsschlag: Laufen.