Wandercraft, the developer of the world's first self-stabilized walking exoskeleton designed to enable people with walking disabilities to stand up and walk again, announced today that it has signed a partnership agreement with the Brazilian health authorityaround its Atalante X self-stabilized exoskeletons to support patient rehabilitation and medical research following stroke or spinal cord injury. Two Atalante X exoskeletons will be installed at Lucy Montoro, a leading Brazilian neurological rehabilitation facility with facilities in and around the city of São Paulo.

A recent study of Brazilian patients 6 months after stroke showed that patients with comorbidities or those who had longer hospital stays due to complications of hospitalization were associated with worse functionality and quality of life. In addition, a survey of people with spinal cord injuries in Brazil also revealed a need for studies that promote accessibility and locomotion2.

Atalante X enables individuals with severe gait disabilities, including those with upper extremity dysfunction or cognitive impairment, to stand up and walk hands-free. The exoskeleton is self-stabilizing for hands-free locomotion and provides multidirectional movements for task-oriented treatment. Users of the Atalante X system can also experience the overall health benefits associated with walking, mobility and sitting up.

Dr. Linamara Rizzo BattistellaProfessor for Physical medicine and rehabilitation to the Medical Faculty the University of São Pauloadded: "After a stroke or spinal cord injury, people often feel marginalized and isolated and don't have access to technologies, that help them with their rehabilitation. We look forward to collecting patient feedback on their experience using Alalante X and evaluating its short-, medium- and long-term impact on rehabilitation and overall health."

Tarcisio de Frietas, Governor of São Paulo, added.: "We are very pleased to have partnered with Wandercraft and to be the first state in Brazil to deploy this technology. We look forward to using Atalante X exoskeletons to support patient rehabilitation."

Mara GabrilliBrazilian Senator and Representative for the Disabled for Brazil and the United Nations.commented: "As a paraplegic and passionate advocate for people with disabilities, I am very pleased that the Atalante X system will be made available to, to support rehabilitation in my home country, Brazil. My vision is to have walking clubs for people after stroke or spinal cord injury to attend and use to improve quality of life and overall health. I recently tried Atalante's exoskeleton and found it easy and comfortable to use, and it's really encouraging to see how this advanced technology could [potentially] help people recover or regain upright mobility."

Watch here a video of Senator Mara Gabrilli with the exoskeleton Atalante X an.

Matthieu Masselin, CEO of Wandercraft, commented.: "It was a pleasure to meet Senator Mara Gabrilli recently at our New York headquarters and witness her energy, strength and determination firsthand. We are honored to help realize her vision and that of patients, improve facilities and technology to support rehabilitation, and look forward to providing access to the many great benefits of Atalante X."

Lucy Montoro is a Brazilian public health institution with links to over fifteen universities and five centers in São Paulo, each focusing on different diagnostic groups of neurological patients such as stroke and spinal cord injury.

Source: Wandercraft partners with leading Brazilian rehabilitation facility to provide world's first self-stabilized exoskeleton for walking - EIN Presswire (einnews.com)