We invite you to the most anticipated event of the year in wearable technologies, the 44th
WT | WEARABLE TECHNOLOGIES CONFERENCE 2023 USA! Get ready to embark on an
immersive experience of cutting-edge advancements in San Francisco (or online), on the 1st
and 2nd of August.

The conference is set to explore three fascinating main topics that are shaping the future of
wearable technologies:

  1. Augmentation of Humans: Unveil the exciting possibilities of human augmentation
    through wearable technologies, enabling us to augment and empower ourselves in
    unprecedented ways.
  2. The Next Level of Healthcare: Discover the latest breakthroughs in wearable
    medical devices and health-monitoring technologies that are revolutionizing the way
    we approach healthcare.
  3. Deep Tech & Innovation: Immerse yourself in the world of deep tech and explore
    how artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics are driving
    innovation in the wearable tech industry.

Highlight Session - "Robots and Exoskeleton for Rehab, Prevention, and Augmentation."

A particular session that we believe will be especially interesting for you is the "Robots and
Exoskeleton for Rehab, Prevention, and Augmentation" within the Augmentation of Humans
theme. Esteemed speakers from Stanford University and HaptX will take the stage to shed
light on groundbreaking advancements in this field.

Distinguished Speaker - Prof. Steve Collins:

Prof. Steve Collins, an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Bioengineering at
Stanford University, is renowned for his exceptional contributions to biomechatronics and
robotics. His research focuses on designing prostheses and exoskeletons using versatile
emulator hardware and human-in-the-loop optimization algorithms, which have been
featured in prestigious scientific publications.
Prof. Collins' talk, "Leveraging Emulation and Human-in-the-Loop Optimization to Design
Best-in-Class Exoskeletons," promises to be a captivating journey into the world of advanced
exoskeleton technology.

Discount for Orthexo News Reader:

We would like to offer you the chance to learn more about wearable tech! As a thank you
for your support, we are delighted to extend an exclusive 50% discount on the entry ticket
for both conference days at the 44th WT | WEARABLE TECHNOLOGIES CONFERENCE 2023

Code: WTUS23-localhexo

Link: Product selection (wearable-technologies.com)

Fort Mason Center, San Francisco (USA)
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August 1 - 2, 2023