Interview with Borislav „Bobby“ Marinov ( People behind the Exoskeleton Industry

Interview with Borislav „Bobby“ Marinov ( People behind the Exoskeleton Industry
Interview with Matthew Marino (CEO Prime Performance LLC): People behind the Exoskeleton Industry

Interview with Matthew Marino (CEO Prime Performance LLC): People behind the Exoskeleton Industry
Exoskeletons: WearRAcon Europe conference for the first time at A+A 2023 (24. to 27.10.2023)

Exoskeletons: WearRAcon Europe conference for the first time at A+A 2023 (24. to 27.10.2023)
Military exoskeletons and the fight against bureaucracy

Many North American exoskeleton developers owe their beginnings to U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) investments.
Tighten muscles

Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a wearable textile exomuscle that serves as an additional layer of muscle.
Swissport wins IATA "Innovator Award

Swissport wins IATA "Innovator Award