Exoskeletons make workers more efficient

Was nach Science-Fiction klingt, ist mitten in Europa bereits die Realität von vielen Angestellten: Exoskelette. Die Wearables sollen die Gesundheit der Mitarbeiter bewahren und sie bei ihren Tätigkeiten unterstützen. Eine Studie von Comau und IUVO, einer Ausgründung der Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa), hat gezeigt, dass Exoskelette bei Hafenarbeitern die Anstrengung um bis zu 30 Prozent […]
Verve Motion raises 20 million US dollars for soft exoskeletons

Verve Motion raises 20 million US dollars for soft exoskeletons
Haller Group relies on exoskeletons for better occupational health on construction sites

Haller Group relies on exoskeletons for better occupational health on construction sites
German Bionic: 15 million for AI-based exoskeletons

German Bionic: 15 million for AI-based exoskeletons
NSC publishes new research on technology to reduce common workplace injuries

NSC publishes new research on technology to reduce common workplace injuries
ExoAtlet unveils groundbreaking ExoAtlet 2 and the industry's first pediatric exoskeleton

ExoAtlet unveils groundbreaking ExoAtlet 2 and the industry's first pediatric exoskeleton
Leobendorf: Exoskeleton helps with the construction of waffle machines

Leobendorf: Exoskeleton helps with the construction of waffle machines
The robotic exoskeleton of a paraplegic veteran

The robotic exoskeleton of a paraplegic veteran
Can robotic exoskeletons make our human workers stronger?

Can robotic exoskeletons make our human workers stronger?
Robotic therapy: tech2people opens neuro-therapy center in Vienna

Robotic therapy: tech2people opens neuro-therapy center in Vienna
In a historic move, Medicare proposes a provisional reimbursement level for ReWalk's personal exoskeleton

In a historic move, Medicare proposes a provisional reimbursement level for ReWalk's personal exoskeleton
Orthexo´s neues Produkt erhältlich
Model nursing home: Tübingen's Lebensphasenhaus is expanded
Exoskeletons will get a permanent place

Exoskeletons will get a permanent place