The knee exoskeleton Belk of Gogoa for rehabilitation training in clinics

BELK's exoskeleton accelerates rehabilitation by producing a more accurate gait pattern.

Your concrete advantages:

  • Pure knee exoskeleton
  • Specially developed for rehabilitation training
  • Individual angle adjustable

Functions and advantages

Everything you need to know about the features and benefits of the The knee exoskeleton Belk of Gogoa for rehabilitation training in clinics need to know.


The product is very versatile and also has the ability to regulate the walker by creating a force field depending on the needs of the patient and his development. This product is easy to use and allows the user to configure the degree of angular movement of the device and the speed of travel.


GOGOA has developed the BELK system, a robotic device specifically designed for knee rehabilitation of patients recovering from strokes or surgical injuries. This product allows the user to easily adjust the degree of angular movement and the speed of the device, and to regulate the support during walking through a customized force field that meets the needs and progress of the patient.

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For whom is the Gogoa Belk suitable and for whom not?

The BELK system was developed by GOGOA and can be used as a robotic device for knee rehabilitation in stroke patients or those who have injuries due to surgery.

Company information

Facts & Figures

It is created through a license from the Cajal Institute (CSIC) and in collaboration with the National Hospital for Paraplegics in Toledo. Cyber Human Systems is a spin off of Gogoa Mobility Robots. GOGOA Mobility Robots has received a total of 1.6 million euros in 2 rounds of funding. The latest funding was raised in a grant round on December 1, 2018.
GOGOA Mobility Robots is funded by 2 investors. EASME - EU Executive Agency for SMEs and BIC Gipuzkoa Berrilan are the latest investors.

Company address

  • c / Arzubia 10b, 7 bajo
  • 48220 Traña-Matiena (Bizkaia)

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