DREEVEN - Electric knee brace for mobility support by REEV

Lightweight orthosis with motor and AI as support for running, walking, sitting and climbing stairs.

Functions and advantages

Everything you need to know about the features and benefits of the DREEVEN - Electric knee brace for mobility support by REEV need to know.


Millions of people affected by gait disorders such as stroke, multiple sclerosis or paraplegia have limited mobility in their daily lives. We are here to help them.


Intelligent control


Analyze and predict movements
in real time for each patient




The DREEVEN orthosis is custom-made for each patient by a certified prosthetist.




It helps people move forward
light up to 100kg




Enjoy a full day of activity with
5 hours autonomy




Move with comfort thanks to the
our 3 kg self-supporting orthosis




DREEVEN is able to help you walk up to 2 steps per second

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Company information

Facts & Figures

REEV SAS is a france startup and was founded in 2021 from Amaury Ciurana and Robin Temporelli. "At REEV our mission is to help millions of people affected by walking disorders to overcome their daily disability by becoming more autonomous and independent in their movements. To achieve this mission, we are making a smart and patient-centric robotic orthosis providing a light assistance to walk, stand, sit and climb stairs more easily everyday. We do this because we believe everyone deserves to enjoy his mobility to the fullest everyday, regardless of his level of disability or age."

Company address

  • 31400 TOULOUSE
  • France

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