Agilik: Intelligent orthosis for gait rehabilitation from Bionic Power

Designed as a gait rehabilitation device, the Agilik smart orthosis moves with the wearer and provides dynamic knee support and resistance as needed during the patient's gait.

  • Non-invasive rehab solution
  • Smart system: real-time gait analysis
  • For use in the clinic and in rehabilitation at home

Functions and advantages

Everything you need to know about the features and benefits of the Agilik: Intelligent orthosis for gait rehabilitation from Bionic Power need to know.


Designed as a gait rehabilitation device, the Agilik smart orthosis moves with the wearer and provides dynamic knee support and resistance as needed during the patient's gait. This helps patients with a crouched gait stand more upright, gain muscle strength and learn to walk more efficiently and independently. The Agilik is designed to be lightweight, easy to take off and put on, and comfortable, similar to a KAFO (knee, ankle, foot orthosis). The Agilik is not an exoskeleton designed to hold a patient up and walk for them, but a rehabilitation device designed to actually improve the user's gait. Through the use of advanced sensors and joint motors, Agilik's intelligent orthosis can measure knee angle, knee angle velocity, first contact and toe-off, and adjust the level of support during certain phases of gait to help the user stand and improve knee extension. In other gait phases, the orthosis can resist the user's muscles to improve strength. Our app-based user interface allows therapists and researchers to control the torque and timing of agility. The device provides some user gait metrics, including range of motion, maximum flexion and extension angle, and velocity, as well as usage tracking (how long and how often the Agilik was used), allowing therapists to make informed decisions for their patient's therapy. Our goal is to enable users to stand up straighter and walk stronger. Bionic Power's solution is designed for use in clinical rehabilitation and allows for more frequent and extensive longer-term training and reinforcement of new gait patterns for the brain (neuroplasticity). Our ongoing study, patient by patient, shows a concrete benefit in gait biomechanics as well as a "training effect" (session by session, the quality of the patient's natural gait tends to improve), leading to the interesting hypothesis that the benefits of longer-term use may be due to a kind of rewiring of the user's brain. Thus, they may achieve the benefits of gait training that persist even after the orthosis is removed. The exact duration, effectiveness, ideal duration, and intensity of training are variable and based on several factors and should be discussed with the treating physician.

  • Non-invasive rehab solution
  • Adaptable to the changing condition and growth of each patient
  • Proven wearable technology
  • Smart system: real-time gait analysis supports flexion and extension
  • Flexible, personalized design for children ages 5 and up and small adults weighing up to 70 kg/154 lbs.
  • For use in the clinic and in rehabilitation at home

The Agilik™ smart orthosis helps patients maintain or increase their independence and mobility. This is especially critical for children with cerebral palsy, spina bifida and other knee extension disorders, whose strength and endurance often deteriorate with age. The Agilik™ works by supporting or resisting knee extension and flexion throughout the gait cycle. About 50 % of youth with cerebral palsy (CP) who can walk will not be able to do so in early or middle adulthood.* Our hope is to stop or even reverse this deterioration by reducing the crouched gait, increasing extension, and strengthening their legs so they can stand more upright and walk stronger.


  • Improve the range of motion of the knees when walking
  • Increase walking efficiency and reduce fatigue
  • Rebuild weakened muscles
  • Improvement of general mobility and walking function

Die Agilik ist eine intelligente Orthese zur Gehrehabilitation von Bionic Power, die speziell für den medizinischen Einsatz entwickelt wurde. Sie eignet sich für die Nutzung im Innenbereich und unterstützt die Unterkörper- und Hüftregion sowie die Beine. Mit der Agilik können Benutzer stehen und gehen. Sie ist sowohl für den persönlichen Gebrauch als auch für die mobile Rehabilitation geeignet. Das Exoskelett wird mit Strom betrieben und wiegt 3 kg. Es verzichtet auf den Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI). Das Tragen der Orthese ermöglicht das Sitzen auf einem Stuhl und ist wasserabweisend. Es kann bei einer maximalen Temperatur von 40 Grad Celsius eingesetzt werden. Es gibt keine Mindestabnahmemenge und die Orthese erfordert regelmäßige Wartung. Es ist keine spezifische Gewichtskapazität zum Heben angegeben. Der Hersteller hat seinen Hauptsitz und die Produktion in Kanada. Die Agilik besitzt eine FDA-Zulassung und eine CE-Kennzeichnung. Eine Bedienungsanleitung ist vorhanden, während kein Testpaket vom Hersteller angeboten wird. Die Orthese hat eine Garantiezeit von einem Jahr und verfügt über eine Hilfsmittelnummer. Die maximale Gehstrecke beträgt 1 Meter mit Hilfe des Geräts. Die Nutzung erfordert eine Restmuskelfunktion. Das Treppensteigen ist mit dem Produkt nicht möglich. Die Agilik ist für Diagnosen wie Zerebralparese, Spina bifida und Kniestreckung geeignet. Die Akku-Ladedauer beträgt 1 Stunde und die Akkulaufzeit beträgt 6 Stunden bei einem Gewicht von bis zu 70 kg.

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For whom is agilik suitable and for whom not?

The Agilik smart orthosis is designed exclusively for lower extremity orthoses and intended for use by ambulatory patients. The Agilik is intended for forward walking on level ground when the power is on, not for athletic or aggressive purposes. The Agilik is indicated for patients who have knee instability in the sagittal plane while carrying weight during the stance phase of their gait cycle. This includes, but is not limited to, patients with a crouched gait due to spina bifida or CP.

The Agilik is an intelligent orthosis that supports flexion and/or extension of the knee, according to the patient's movement. The Agilik cannot initiate the movement of the joint.


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